Friday, December 5, 2008

So Gross!

K, today me and Kandice decided to run up to Provo to get some things for Trista's Bachelorette Party and Christmas! Well on the way home we decided to stop and get something to eat. A lot of times when we're in a hurry we'll just stop at the Wendy's right off the freeway in Payson because it's right there, it's quick and it's easy. Well, we drove through got our food and started digging in. Well I don't always have the best manners and thankgoodness for today, it came in handy. I was pickin apart my sandwhich takin off the tomato. Well after I had taken a bite of the tomato, I noticed something black on the lettuce. Oh My Gosh! It was a freakin Earwig, a dead earwig, with the guts comin out its butt. SO GROSS! Yuck. It made me sick. I was so pissed. I went inside, threw it on the counter, and the lady comes up and says "Is There A Problem?" I'm like "Yeah, there is a freakin bug in my food. I Want A Refund." So she hollars back to one of the workers who by the way did not speak any english whatsoever. They mumble there little language to each other then she comes back up. "I'm so sorry, do you want your refund or new food too?" Are you kidden me? After I already found a bug in my chicken sandwhich? What do you think? No, I don't want my food. But yeah, So Gross!

It's Hard To See, But The Black Thing Is The Earwig