Sunday, October 12, 2008

Yay! I Love The Snow!

So yesterday started out cold and miserable. I'm excited it's getting closer to winter but I think that if it's gonna be so dang cold that atleast we could get some snow. So anyways when I got home from work I was so excited to look out the window and see it storming. I was so excited! So anyways, me and my friend Lacie went to hang out. Well, we aren't like most girls, ya know the one's that sit and drag main looking for boys. No, we hopped in her pick up and headed up the mountain. Most people would say it's probably not the best idea because we are girls and all but we do it anyways because it's lots funner than driving around in town. Well the snow was finally starting to stick so of course, it was the first snow, ya gotta make snow angels, LOL, and that's exactly what we did. Kinda dorky I know. But were dorks and we had fun!

Me and My Snow Angel

Just One Of Our Snow Angels

Lacie and Her Snow Angel


Karies place said...

Oh man SNOW?! You can have it right now. We're having 70 degree weather and short sleeves. Enjoy the snow for me. We'll soon have our own here in WI.


The Barton Bunch said...

You are such a weirdo!! I hate snow in is great for Christmas but THAT IS IT!! LOL. Oh, Chase wants to come see you in Maverik while he is wearing his new fashion (pj pants, my pink boots, and my pink Roxy sweater):)

Amie said...

LOL-just reading Nancy's comment. (can I get a pic of that? too funny!)
I agree with you on the snow. The first snow is always fun. Its the ten below zero, snow is brown with road spray, car door frozen shut kind of snowy days that I hate. Anyway, it looked like fun. Maybe next time we can go tubing or sledding or something. Once I get my one fun day in the snow, then I'm good. Spring can come anytime!

* HaiBug * said...

OMG I haven't heard from ya in awhile... So how is school going?? I am lovin it!! Well, hope to hear from ya soon... TTYL
